My dear Storm readers,

Have you ever felt the pain of betrayal? It comes in many shapes and sizes, from paper cuts to heart rending stabs, and it can come from more places than we ever imagine. Kaitlyn deals with more than her fair share of betrayal in Storm Shadow, and Little Letters, by Paper Aeroplanes is a brilliant metaphor for the tiny, seemingly harmless, innumerable ways in which betrayal can blacken the Sun and build into something hope ruining and trust shattering. And when you reach that lowest pit, galvanizing! As you read the last half of chapter 28, Kait’s betrayal comes to a head.

“Chills raced through her core, cooling the fire even as the questions hurtling through her mind stoked it to a fury. She was a dichotomy: at once a frozen inferno and seething stillness, fractured and made whole again by this new twist in reality. She was in a single moment undone and reborn, years of admiration and respect dismantled and reconstructed into scorn and distrust.”

I hope you will listen to this emotive song as you read the scene, and let the power of it sweep you along with Kait.

Hold tight, Storm readers. The ride is about to get a bit blustery!


Storm Shadow Playlist – Chapter 28 – Betrayal Cuts Deep — 1 Comment

  1. This chapter and the accompanying song brought back memories I thought long lost, unearthing deeply buried feelings. Amazing!

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